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Wheels or no Wheels?

As tiny homes have gained popularity with influencers and tv shows featuring happy people who are ready to dispel all of their personal belongings and go tiny, it seems everyone is in the market to sell you your first tiny home.  So, how do you choose? Homes on wheels or permanent dwellings?

What's the difference?

Resale Value
Land Use and Zoning
Legal Classifications
Tiny Home on Wheels
Depreciates after purchase like a vehicle
Zoning restrictions on where they can be parked or lived in and how long a they can remain in one location
Recreational Vehicle subject to DMV
Require same infrastructure for long term living, foundation to park utilities and sewage system
Lenders are hesitant due to mobile nature of the Recreational Vehicle
PreFab Modular
Appreciates property value like a traditional home
Meet or exceed local building codes, zoned like traditional homes
Once installed becomes permanent real estate
Foundation and standard utilities, including electricity, water, ad sewage systems, like traditional homes.
Financeable under a tradicional home loan


Tiny Home on Wheels

Depreciates after purchase like a vehicle

PreFab Modular

Appreciates property value like a traditional home


Tiny Home on Wheels

Zoning restrictions on where they can be parked or lived in and how long a they can remain in one location

PreFab Modular

Meet or exceed local building codes, zoned like traditional homes


Tiny Home on Wheels

Recreational Vehicle subject to DMV

PreFab Modular

Once installed becomes permanent real estate


Tiny Home on Wheels

Require same infrastructure for long term living, foundation to park utilities and sewage system

PreFab Modular

Foundation and standard utilities, including electricity, water, ad sewage systems, like traditional homes.


Tiny Home on Wheels

Lenders are hesitant due to mobile nature of the Recreational Vehicle

PreFab Modular

Financeable under a tradicional home loan

What's the difference?

The Big Difference

The biggest difference between a modular home and a home on wheels is classification. 


A home on wheels according to the CA Department of Housing and Community Development is a recreational vehicle (RV) that is required to receive certification from the American National Standards Institute and registration from the DMV.  As an RV it depreciates the second it rolls off the lot and into your life.  

A modular home, like traditional homes, increases your property value and appreciates over time.



Do Your Own Research

1. Visit your municipality to found out what your property is zoned for.

2.   Research pros and cons online.

3.   Call and ask us questions.

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